Building a Straight Wire to the Soul of Music

Scientifically proven technology breakthroughs that enable unrivalled performance, quality and ease-of-use. R&D with the purpose of removing all technical limitations in the enjoyment of reproduced music... 

USHINDI - Ultra Low Distortion Transducer Technology

Our research and analysis, starting from the ground up, have uncovered fundamental flaws in conventional transducer designs. By identifying and addressing obstacles layer by layer, we have developed several new patented and patent-pending technologies. The results are astounding and set records both objectively, in terms of measurements, and subjectively, based on listening tests.

Discover USHINDI

EIGENTAKT - Ultra Low Distortion Amplifier Technology

Thanks to our breakthroughs in nonlinear control theory and advanced mathematical modeling, we have developed a new patented amplifier topology that is numerically optimized for the best possible tradeoff between headroom and error correction. As a result, EIGENTAKT has currently achieved more than ten times better error attenuation than our nearest competitor. Moreover, our engineers have a keen focus on robustness and adhere to the best practices of industrial and automotive design, resulting in the development of extremely reliable products. 


Introducing PURIFI

Our motivation and mission is to eliminate all technical barriers that prevent the enjoyment of reproduced music. We prioritize addressing the biggest limitations first and move on to the next. Currently, our research and development efforts are focused on loudspeaker transducers, which are the most significant overall quality limitation, and the audio power amplifier, which has traditionally been the weakest link in the electronics chain.

Our methods and principles emphasize the importance of thoroughly understanding the problems we encounter before attempting to solve them. We value the development and verification of accurate mathematical models, which enable fast virtual prototyping and 'fail-fast-forward' approaches. Our approach is to build what we simulate and simulate what we build. We have a deep understanding of analog and digital systems, as well as all domains of electromagnetics, mechanics, and acoustics.

We believe that all that matters for the sound quality can be measured although we often have to develop new measurement methods that are indicative of the subjective sound quality.
We direct all R&D efforts on such measurable metrics. If this does not agree with the listening results we improve our objective metrics. 


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